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less than 1 minute read

最近开始步入投资领域,打算在自己的博客里面也专门开一个版块。主要的目的一方面是做阶段性的总结,和大家交流学习;另一方面也是给自己的博客增加一些多样性,而不是单纯的技术性博客(根本没人读 TAT)。

DQN In Practice

4 minute read

Recently I have been working on Deep-Q-Learning and apply it to some interesting AI games. In this post, I would like to give a brief introduction to how I i...

Reinforcement Learning Lesson 8

2 minute read

This is the last lesson for the entire reinforcement learning, and in this lesson we will learn something related to exploit and explore. In machine learning...

Reinforcement Learning Lesson 7

2 minute read

In the pervious notes, we are all using model-free reinforcement learning method to find the solution for the problem. Today we are going to introduce method...

Reinforcement Learning Lesson 6

3 minute read

In the pervious we use a model to approximate the state value/action value function. In this post, we are going to learn how to directly parameterize a polic...

Reinforcement Learning Lesson 5

3 minute read

In this post, we are going to look into how can we solve the real world problem with a practical way. Think of the state value function $v(s)$ or the action ...

Reinforcement Learning Lesson 4

4 minute read

In this lecture, we learn how to solve an unknown MDP. In the last lecture, we introduced how to calculate the value function given a policy. In this one, we...